Immunostaining of PFA fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-mNeonGreen reporter protein with FluoTag®-X2 Alexa Fluor 568 anti-mNeonGreen sdAb (Cat. No. N3202-AF568-L, dilution 1:500, the mNeonGreen signal is represented in green, the corresponding FluoTag®-signal is represented in red and the merge of both channels is represented in yellow). Nuclei were visualized by DAPI staining (blue).

FluoTag-X2 anti-mNeonGreen AF647

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-nfmNeonGreen fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mNeonGreen coupled to Alexa Fluor 647 (Cat. No. N3202-AF647, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N3202-AF647. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in magenta (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in magenta and C in blue.

FluoTag-X2 anti-mNeonGreen AF568

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70- nfmNeonGreen fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mNeonGreen coupled to AZDye 568 (Cat. No. N3202-AF568, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N3202-AF568. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in red (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in red and C in blue.

FluoTag-X2 anti-mNeonGreen At488

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70- nfmNeonGreen fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mNeonGreen coupled to Atto 488 (Cat. No. N3202-At488, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N3202-At488. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in green (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in green and C in blue.

FluoTag®-X2 anti-mNeonGreen

Cat No: N3202 Category:


FluoTag®-X2 anti-mNeonGreen is derived from an in-house developed single-domain antibody (sdAb) that recognizes mNeonGreen (mNG), which is a bright monomeric green fluorescent protein derived from Branchiostoma lanceolatume.

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mNeonGreen is a very bright monomeric green fluorescent protein that matures relatively fast when expressed as a fluorescent probe in cells. For this reason, since its discovery in 2013, mNeonGreen has gained major attention among biological sciences. It is a synthetically derived version of the wild-type protein found in Branchiostoma lanceolatum.

An open-source database with the most currently available variants can be found in the fluorescence protein database “fpbase”

Our nanobody binds specifically and strongly to mNeonGreen and possibly to its predecessor. Have a look at our specificity chart in our Resource Section.

FluoTags® can be equipped with a single fluorophore for more quantitative readouts (FluoTag-Q), with two fluorophores per single-domain antibody (FluoTag-X2), and we also developed a blend of two sdAbs bindings simultaneously the target proteins and each bearing two fluorophores (FluoTag-X4). For more detailed information on the FluoTags, please check our Technology Section.


Conjugation Amount Cat No. RRID
Atto488 200 μl N3202-At488-L AB_3076071
Atto643 200 μl N3202-At643-L AB_3076072
Alexa647 200 μl N3202-AF647-L AB_3076070
AbberiorStar635P 200 μl N3202-Ab635P-L AB_3076069
Related Products: -
Clone: 1E2
Host: Alpaca
Produced in: E.coli
Application: IF
Dilution: 1:500 (corresponding to 5 nM final concentration)
Capacity: -
Antigen: -
Targets: mNeonGreen
Specificity: Recognizes mNeonGreen. Does not cross-react with any GFP- or dsRed, of TagBFP derivatives.

The single sdAb clone was lyophilized from PBS pH 7.4, containing 2% BSA (US-Origin). Reconstitute with 200 µL of 50 % glycerol in deionized water. We recommend including 0.1 % sodium azide as a preservative if applicable. When reconstituted with 200 µl, the concentration of single-domain antibody is 2.5 µM

kDa: -
Ext Coef: -
Shipping: Ambient temperature

Vials containing lyophilized protein can be stored at 4 °C for 6 months. We recommend reconstituting the protein with 50 % sterile glycerol including 0.1 % sodium azide as preservative if applicable. Minimize the number of freeze-thaw cycles by aliquoting the reconstituted protein. Long term storage at -80 °C for up to 6 months. Working aliquots can be stored at -20 °C for up to 4 weeks. We do not recommend storing the reconstituted protein at 4 °C.


Western Blotting is not recommended. The sdAbs tend to recognize native protein conformation only.

Look at detailed protocols and our specificity chart in our Resource Section.


  1. Rumyantseva NA, Golofeeva DM, Vedyaykin AD. SulA does not sequester FtsZ in Escherichia coli cells during the SOS response. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2024;691:149313. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.149313 (fluorescent WB; E. coli)
  2. Panagiotou S, Tan KW, Nguyen PM, et al. OSBP-mediated PI(4)P-cholesterol exchange at endoplasmic reticulum-secretory granule contact sites controls insulin secretion. Cell Rep. 2024;43(4):113992. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2024.113992 (N3202-At488; IF/ICC, mouse MIN6 cells)
  3. van Ineveld RL, Collot R, Román MB, et al. Multispectral confocal 3D imaging of intact healthy and tumor tissue using mLSR-3D. Nat Protoc. 2022;17(12):3028-3055. doi:10.1038/s41596-022-00739-x
Notice: To be used in vitro/ for research only. Non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-infectious.
Legal terms: By purchasing this product you agree to our general terms and conditions.