Immunostaining of PFA fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-mRuby reporter protein with FluoTag®-X2 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mRuby sdAb (Cat. No. N3302-AF647-L, dilution 1:500, the mRuby signal is represented in red, the corresponding FluoTag-signal is represented in green and the merge of both channels is represented in yellow). Nuclei were visualized by DAPI staining (blue).

FluoTag-X2 anti-mRuby AF647

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-nfmRuby fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mRuby coupled to Alexa Fluor 647 (Cat. No. N3302-AF647, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N3302-AF647. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in magenta (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in magenta and C in blue.

FluoTag-X2 anti-mRuby AF568

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-nfmRuby fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mRuby coupled to AZDye 568 (Cat. No. N3302-AF568, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N3302-AF568. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in red (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in red and C in blue.

FluoTag-X2 anti-mRuby At488

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-nfmRuby fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mRuby coupled to Atto 488 (Cat. No. N3302-At488, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N3302-At488. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in green (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in green and C in blue.

FluoTag®-X2 anti-mRuby

Cat No: N3302 Category:


FluoTag®-X2 anti-mRUBY is derived from an in-house developed single-domain antibody (sdAb) that recognizes mRuby and mRuby derivatives, which is a bright monomeric red fluorescent protein derived from Entacmaea quadricolar.

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mRuby is a bright monomeric red fluorescent protein, which has more than 20 mutations compared to its wild-type predecessor (eqFP611) found in Entacmaea quadricolor . mRuby, mRuby2 & mRuby3 are all exited at 560 nm, with mRuby3 being the brightest.

An open-source database with the most currently available variants can be found in the fluorescence protein database “fpbase”

Our nanobody binds specifically and strongly to mRuby fluorescent proteins. Have a look at our specificity chart in our Resource Section.

FluoTags are directly conjugated to fluorophores, however, they can be equipped with a single fluorophore for more quantitative readouts (FluoTag-Q), with two fluorophores per single-domain antibody (FluoTag-X2), and we also developed a blend of two sdAbs bindings simultaneously the target proteins and each bearing two fluorophores, decorating the target protein with 4 fluorophores in total (FluoTag-X4). For more detailed information on the FluoTags, please check our Technology Section.


Conjugation Amount Cat No. RRID
Atto488 200 μl N3302-At488-L AB_3076080
AZDye568 200 μl N3302-AF568-L AB_3076078
Atto643 200 μl N3302-At643-L AB_3076081
Alexa647 200 μl N3302-AF647-L AB_3076079
AbberiorStar635P 200 μl N3302-Ab635P-L AB_3076077
Related Products: -
Clone: 1F8
Host: Alpaca
Produced in: E.coli
Application: IF
Dilution: 1:500 (corresponding to 5 nM final concentration)
Capacity: N/A
Antigen: -
Targets: mRUBY3
Specificity: Recognizes most common mRuby derivatives

The single sdAb clone was lyophilized from PBS pH 7.4, containing 2% BSA (US-Origin). Reconstitute with 200 µL of 50 % glycerol in deionized water. We recommend including 0.1 % sodium azide as a preservative if applicable. When reconstituted with 200 µl, the concentration of single-domain antibody is 2.5 µM

kDa: -
Ext Coef: -
Shipping: Ambient temperature

Vials containing lyophilized protein can be stored at 4 °C for 6 months. We recommend reconstituting the protein with 50 % sterile glycerol including 0.1 % sodium azide as preservative if applicable. Minimize the number of freeze-thaw cycles by aliquoting the reconstituted protein. Long term storage at -80 °C for up to 6 months. Working aliquots can be stored at -20 °C for up to 4 weeks. We do not recommend storing the reconstituted protein at 4 °C.


Western Blotting is not recommended. The sdAbs tend to recognize native protein conformation only.

Look at detailed protocols and our specificity chart in our Resource Section.


References: -
Notice: To be used in vitro/ for research only. Non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-infectious.
Legal terms: By purchasing this product you agree to our general terms and conditions.