SyliteD1.1 anti-Gephyrin

Cat No: P4001 Category:


SyliteD1.1 anti-Gephyrin is a short dimeric peptide that specifically binds gephyrin in inhibitory synapses. We supply SyliteD1.1 anti-Gephyrin fluorescently labelled with sulfo-cyanine 5 (SC5). SyliteD1.1 anti-Gephyrin was developed by Hans Maric and Vladimir Khayenko from the University of Würzburg with the goal to produce a probe with an outstanding signal-to-background ratio that outperforms antibodies in tissue staining with rapid and efficient penetration, mitigation of staining artifacts, and simplified handling. In super-resolution microscopy, SyliteD1.1 precisely localizes the inhibitory synapse and enables nanoscale measurements. The SyliteD1.1 peptide contains extra lysines to allow post-staining fixation in place.

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SyliteD1.1 anti-Gephyrin is a short dimeric peptide that specifically binds gephyrin in inhibitory synapses. We supply SyliteD1.1 anti-Gephyrin fluorescently labelled with sulfo-cyanine 5 (SC5). SyliteD1.1 anti-Gephyrin was developed by Hans Maric and Vladimir Khayenko from the University of Würzburg with the goal to produce a probe with an outstanding signal-to-background ratio that outperforms antibodies in tissue staining with rapid and efficient penetration, mitigation of staining artifacts, and simplified handling. In super-resolution microscopy, SyliteD1.1 precisely localizes the inhibitory synapse and enables nanoscale measurements. The SyliteD1.1 peptide contains extra lysines to allow post-staining fixation in place.

Conjugation Amount Cat No. RRID
200 μl Sulfo-Cyanine 5 P4001-SC5 -
Related Products: -
Clone: N/A
Host: -
Produced in: Synthetic peptide
Application: IF, IHC
Dilution: 1:250
Capacity: -
Antigen: -
Targets: Gephyrin
Specificity: SyliteD1.1 anti-gephyrin specifically recognizes mouse and rat gephyrin. Other species not tested.

Lyophlized from 200 µL at 5 µM SyliteD1.1.

kDa: SyliteD1.1 SC5 - 3424 Da
Ext Coef: -
Shipping: Ambient temperature

Vials containing lyophilized peptide can be stored at 4 °C for 6 months. We recommend reconstituting the peptide with DMSO if applicable. The peptide will also be solubilzed in PBS. Minimize the number of freeze-thaw cycles by aliquoting the reconstituted peptide. Long term storage at -80 °C for up to 6 months. Working aliquots can be stored at -20 °C for up to 4 weeks. We do not recommend storing the reconstituted peptide at 4 °C.


When samples are intended to be mounted with for example Mowiol, we recommend a post-fixation step after the incubation with the SyliteD1.1 SC5. If you follow our IF protocol (available under Protocols button above) the additional post-fixation step uses 4% PFA buffered in PBS.

  1. Khayenko V, Schulte C, Reis SL, et al. A Versatile Synthetic Affinity Probe Reveals Inhibitory Synapse Ultrastructure and Brain Connectivity. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2022;61(30):e202202078. doi:10.1002/anie.202202078
Notice: To be used in vitro/ for research only. Non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-infect
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