PFA fixed COS cells transfected with mScarlet-i-tubulin (A) stained with FluoTag-X2 anti-mScarlet-i Atto488 (B). Overlay in (C).

FluoTag-X2 anti-mScarlet-i At488 (mScarlet3)

Immunofluorescence analysis of KOLF2.1J human iPSCs transfected with pmScarlet3_C1 plasmid (Addgene #189753). Post-fixation, cells were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i coupled to Atto 488 (Cat. No. N1302-At488, dilution 1:500). A The N1302-At488 specific signal is shown in green. B The mScarlet3 fluorescence is shown in red. C Nuclei were visualized by DAPI staining. D Merge of A – C confirms that FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i specifically recognizes the mScarlet3 variant. The images were captured under 40x magnification. Image courtesy of Victoria Menne, King’s College London.

FluoTag-X2 anti-mScarlet-i AF647

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-nfmScarlet fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i coupled to Alexa Fluor 647 (Cat. No. N1302-AF647, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N1302-AF647. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in magenta (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in magenta and C in blue.

FluoTag-X2 anti-mScarlet-i AF568

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-nfmScarlet fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i coupled to AZDye 568 (Cat. No. N1302-AF568, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N1302-AF568. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in red (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in red and C in blue.

FluoTag-X2 anti-mScarlet-i At488

PFA-fixed Cos7 cells expressing a TOM70-nfmScarlet fusion protein (nf: non-fluorescent) were stained with FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i coupled to Atto 488 (Cat. No. N1302-At488, dilution 1:500). A Greyscale image of the staining performed with N1302-At488. B False color representation of the image shown in A is displayed in green (coloring according to the excitation wavelength of the employed fluorophore). C The corresponding DAPI signal of the depicted section. D Merge of A and C. False color representation of A in green and C in blue.

FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i

Cat No: N1302 Category:


FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet is derived from our sdAb anti-RFP (clone 2B12) and binds specifically and strongly to many mScarlet variants (validated for mScarlet-I, mScarlet-H and mScarlet-3). It also recognizes DsRed, mRFP, mCherry and others DsRed family members. Conjugated to fluorophores, it enables direct and highly specific fluorescent detection, eliminating the need for secondary antibodies.

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mScarlet was created in vitro using a synthetic consensus template from various red fluorescent proteins (ref). It is one of the brightest (~3x brighter than mCherry) and truly monomeric fluorescent proteins, making it ideal for cellular imaging (FPbase).  mScarlet can generally be employed in two distinct versions. Each version carries a distinct single amino acid substitution, mScarlet-I (T74I) which features an accelerated maturation speed, and mScarlet-H (M164H) which displays higher photostability. An open-source database with the most currently available variants can be found in the fluorescence protein database “fpbase”.

FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i is derived from our sdAb anti-RFP (clone 2B12) and binds specifically and strongly to many mScarlet variants (validated for mScarlet-I, mScarlet-H and mScarlet-3). It also recognizes DsRed, mRFP, mCherry and others DsRed family members. For a detailed overview, refer to our FP Specificity Chart.

FluoTag®-X2 anti-mScarlet-i is directly conjugated to two fluorophores per sdAb (FluoTag®X2 variant). To learn more about the FluoTags®, please visit our Technology section here.

Conjugation Amount Cat No. RRID
Atto488 200 μl N1302-At488-L AB_3075969
AZDye568 200 μl N1302-AF568-L AB_3075967
Atto643 200 μl N1302-At643-L AB_3075970
Alexa647 200 μl N1302-AF647-L AB_3075968
AbberiorStar635P 200 μl N1302-Ab635P-L AB_3075966
Related Products:

sdAb anti-RFP (Cat. No. N0405)

Clone: 2B12
Host: Alpaca
Produced in: E.coli


Note: This product is not recommended for detecting proteins in Western blot, as sdAbs tend to recognize native/folded proteins mainly.

Dilution: 1:500 (corresponding to 5 nM final concentration)
Capacity: N/A
Antigen: mCherry
Targets: mRFP, mScarlet-i, mCherry
Specificity: Recognizes mScarlet-i, mScarlet-H, mScarlet-3 in its native conformation. Cross-reacts with some mRFP-derived variants like mCherry, mOrange2, DsRed1, DsRED2 and tdTomato.

A single sdAb clone was lyophilized from PBS pH 7.4 containing 2% BSA (US-Origin). For more details, click the Protocols button above and check Reconstitution and Storage.

kDa: -
Ext Coef: -
Shipping: Ambient temperature

Vials containing lyophilized reagent can be stored at 2-8°C for up to 12 months. After reconstitution, store at -80°C for up to 6 months. Working aliquots can be stored at -20°C for up to 4 weeks. For more details, click the Protocols button above and check Reconstitution and Storage.


Relevant protocols can be found under the Protocols button above. For additional information, visit our Resources page.

  1. Kashyap P, Bertelli S, Cao F, et al. An optogenetic method for the controlled release of single molecules. Nat Methods. Published online March 8, 2024. doi:10.1038/s41592-024-02204-x (IF/ICC, TIRF)
  2. Peng X, Lai KS, She P, et al. Induction of Wnt signaling antagonists and p21-activated kinase enhances cardiomyocyte proliferation during zebrafish heart regeneration [published correction appears in J Mol Cell Biol. 2022 Jan 29;13(12):921]. J Mol Cell Biol. 2021;13(1):41-58. doi:10.1093/jmcb/mjaa046 (IF/IHC; zebrafish)
  3. Mahen R, Schulte R. Cell-cell Fusion of Genome Edited Cell Lines for Perturbation of Cellular Structure and Function. J Vis Exp. 2019;(154):10.3791/60550. Published 2019 Dec 7. doi:10.3791/60550
  4. Mahen R. Stable centrosomal roots disentangle to allow interphase centriole independence. PLoS Biol. 2018;16(4):e2003998. Published 2018 Apr 12. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2003998 (IF)
Notice: To be used in vitro/ for research only. Non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-infectious.
Legal terms: By purchasing this product you agree to our general terms and conditions.